Emotionally Connected Web Sites

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Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Don't Make Me Work!

Yesterday I was visiting with Arnie, a new client in Palo Alto. We decided to order in some lunch, and pulled up the Quizno's Web site.

Then things got slightly surreal. We both gazed at the large and very clear monitor, and neither of us could figure out how / where to find the menus and place our order.

Finally, one of Arnie's very bright employees came along, and said "Click on Our Menu".

Duh! Now we saw the link - but it's in the navigation on the left side, and it's fairly small. The home page has lots of content that blinks at you or is otherwise highlighted, but none of it has anything to do with simply ordering food.

Maybe I'm being over-picky, but doesn't it seem logical that placing an order might be one of the primary reasons for any visit to this site?

So figure out the primary reasons that bring visitors to your site, and provide easily visible and clickable links to get them to the right place up front and center.

Don't Make Me Work! (many folk won't bother . . .)