Emotionally Connected Web Sites

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Thursday, November 10, 2005

Is Your Shopping Cart Killing Your Sales?

I get so many calls from people with great Web sites, beautiful products, affordable prices, a cast iron customer satisfaction guarantee - it's all there. Traffic is streaming in. And yet, they aren't making any sales. They can't understand it!

We take a look at their shopping cart. It looks completely different from their site, I can't figure out where the shipping costs are shown, and worse still, I suddenly realise that I have no idea who I'm dealing with!

People want to do business with people that they feel comfortable with. Here are 6 ways to make your visitors feel more comfortable with your shopping cart:

1. The design echoes that of your Web site.
2. Your contact information is shown on every page.
3. The cart is easy to use and works consistently.
4. You offer a selection of shipping methods and prices.
5. Backorders are clearly marked, with a likely shipping date.
6. Items can be removed or added at any time prior to purchase.

The holidays are coming! So get ready by sprucing up your shopping cart!


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